Gateshead Foodbank
We have decided to support a local charity, Gateshead Foodbank, by donating a % of our profits from each product sold.
To find out more about what Gateshead Foodbank do, read below.
Gateshead Foodbank is part of the Trussell Trust network of foodbanks and began operating in October 2012.
The aim of the foodbank is to provide emergency food supplies for local people in financial crisis across Gateshead.
Pre Covid-19, they were helping support around 150 people per week and in a “typical” month they would give out around 7 tonnes of food and toiletries to those people in need, in our community.
Gateshead Foodbank have three distribution centres and run 4 sessions per week for clients to access their service.
To this day they are still proudly run by an incredible army of volunteers and have no paid members of staff employed in the foodbank. They have around 100 active volunteers involved in the day to day running of the foodbank. Roles include warehouse work, food transportation (collections and deliveries), administrative roles and finance & fundraising.
Since March 2020, Gateshead Foodbank have been operating five days a week to meet the demand during the current pandemic. They are working in partnership with Gateshead Council and also continue to support their long standing and new referral partners. For more details on how a foodbank works visit the website
An emergency food parcel contains enough food for 1 or 2 people for three days and the monetary value of one of these food parcels is around £25.00.
So far we have donated £6,500 to Gateshead Foodbank, which has only been possible because of everyone who has supported us and bought one of our products since we launched in September 2020.